Thursday, July 07, 2016

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Arduino Based Obstacle Avoiding Robot

Arduino Arduino UNO R3 Basic button buzzer easy HC LED project Robot Car sensor servo motor simple SR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder Ultrasonic Sensor Holder

The concept of this project is same as the Detecting Ostacles and HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor.

If the robot detects an object in front of it, with the help of a small servo motor, it scans the area left and right in order to find the best way to turn. It has a notification LED, an buzzer to play a tone when an object is detected and an button for changing the function of the robot (stopped / moving forward). 

Step 1: What You Need?

1 x Micro Servo Motor
1 x Button
1 x Red LED
1 x 220 Ohm Resistor
1 x 9V Battery Holder
1 x Buzzer
8 x Nuts 
8 x Screws 
1 x Smart Robot Car Stainless Steel Metal Robot Chassis Kit 
8 x Spacers (Male-Female)
1 x USB Arduino Cable
1 x 9V Battery 
1 x Computer with Arduino Software installed 
Super Glue
Screw Drive

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Holder
Hot Gun Glue

Don't have components? Don't worry. Just click the component's name. 

Step 2:Put Hardware Parts On Robot Car

Use the spacers, screws and nuts to attach the Arduino UNO board and the L298 module on robot car. The mini breadboard can be easily attached on the robot car with the adhesive tape that already have at the bottom of it. 

Step 3: The 'Eyes' Of Your Robot

Use super glue to attach the servo motor in the front side of your robot. Watch the first image to understand how to put the ultrasonic sensor in the servo motor by using a small gear piece. The second image shows the completed part that will be the 'eyes' of your robot. 

Step 4: Connect The Circuit

The connections are pretty easy, watch the image above with the breadboard circuit schematic. 

(Tips: Use the breadboard only for the LED, button and buzzer, this will keep it simple and you can use the remain area to add more stuff on the future.)

Step 6: Upload Code To Robot

Plug an battery on it and press the function button once, your robot will start moving forward after upload the code to robot. To stop it, just press the button for one more time. 

You can press the 'Edit' button and start making your modification in the sketch. 
For example, try to change the '10'cm value that is the distance that will make the robot to stop and 'look' for a clear path. 

[Note: If your robot doesn't move forward, try to change the pins of the motors (motorA1 and motorA2 or motorB1 and motorB2)].




Author & Editor

My Robot Education Sdn. Bhd. ( was founded in 2015 as the first robotics education centre in Malaysia to provide Arduino-based robotics courses for youths. Our vision is to be able to provide robotics education to every youth in Malaysia.


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