Sunday, July 03, 2016

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Food Detector

Arduino Arduino UNO R3 Basic beginner easy Food Detector LCD project

This project is super simple. The Food Detector detects the food by measuring the resistances. Watch the video below: 

Step 1: What You Need?

1 x Arduino UNO R3 or anything that has a computer brain 
2 x Metal Rods (You can make it from paper clips)
1 x Computer with Arduino installed

Don't have components? Don't worry. Just click the component's name. 

Step 2: Built Your Circuit.

- Connect the A0 of Arduino UNO R3 and resistor with wire. 
- Connect the Probe (metal rod) to another 'leg' of resistor. 
- Connect the +5V and Probe.  
-  Place an insulator so that you can hold the probles. 

Step 3: Upload Program Code to Arduino Board

Different foods have different resistances. You can use Food Detector to detect your favorite food by just put it into IF and ELSE loop. 

So here is the breakdown for you: 
  • Check resistance range of different foods using Serial Output.
  • Use those resistances to make create a range. 
  • Serial Output the food name. 

The code below will cut down your time, but do it yourself, so you can learn !!

Remember setting the 'Type of Board' and 'Port' used before upload. 
NOTE: The Resistances below are not gonna be similar to the fruits I used, so use your own. 


Sources: []


Author & Editor

My Robot Education Sdn. Bhd. ( was founded in 2015 as the first robotics education centre in Malaysia to provide Arduino-based robotics courses for youths. Our vision is to be able to provide robotics education to every youth in Malaysia.


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