Step 1: What You Need?
1 x Arduino Board ( Arduino UNO R3 used in this tutorial.)
Don't have components? Don't worry. Just click the component's name.
Step 2: Build Your Circuit.
None, but the board has to be connected to the computer through the serial port or the USB port.Step 3: Upload The Code.
1. Select the Arduino board type: Select Tools >> Board >> Select your correct Arduino board used.
2. Find the port number by accessing device manager on Windows. See the section Port (COM&LPT) and look for an open port named "Arduino Uno (COMxx)". If you are using a different board, you will find a name accordingly. What matters is the xx in COMxx part. In my case, it's COM3. So my port number is 3.
Select the right port: Tools >> Port >> Select the port number.
3. You can find this code in the example of Arduino IDE.
Select File >> Examples >> 04.Communication >> ASCIITable
Select File >> Examples >> 04.Communication >> ASCIITable
Click press the "upload" button (see the button with right arrow mark).
ASCII Table ~ Character Map !, dec: 33, hex: 21, oct: 41, bin: 100001 ", dec: 34, hex: 22, oct: 42, bin: 100010 #, dec: 35, hex: 23, oct: 43, bin: 100011 $, dec: 36, hex: 24, oct: 44, bin: 100100 %, dec: 37, hex: 25, oct: 45, bin: 100101 &, dec: 38, hex: 26, oct: 46, bin: 100110 ', dec: 39, hex: 27, oct: 47, bin: 100111 (, dec: 40, hex: 28, oct: 50, bin: 101000 ), dec: 41, hex: 29, oct: 51, bin: 101001 *, dec: 42, hex: 2A, oct: 52, bin: 101010 +, dec: 43, hex: 2B, oct: 53, bin: 101011 ,, dec: 44, hex: 2C, oct: 54, bin: 101100 -, dec: 45, hex: 2D, oct: 55, bin: 101101 ., dec: 46, hex: 2E, oct: 56, bin: 101110 /, dec: 47, hex: 2F, oct: 57, bin: 101111 0, dec: 48, hex: 30, oct: 60, bin: 110000 1, dec: 49, hex: 31, oct: 61, bin: 110001 2, dec: 50, hex: 32, oct: 62, bin: 110010 3, dec: 51, hex: 33, oct: 63, bin: 110011 4, dec: 52, hex: 34, oct: 64, bin: 110100 5, dec: 53, hex: 35, oct: 65, bin: 110101 6, dec: 54, hex: 36, oct: 66, bin: 110110 7, dec: 55, hex: 37, oct: 67, bin: 110111 8, dec: 56, hex: 38, oct: 70, bin: 111000 9, dec: 57, hex: 39, oct: 71, bin: 111001 :, dec: 58, hex: 3A, oct: 72, bin: 111010 ;, dec: 59, hex: 3B, oct: 73, bin: 111011 <, dec: 60, hex: 3C, oct: 74, bin: 111100 =, dec: 61, hex: 3D, oct: 75, bin: 111101 >, dec: 62, hex: 3E, oct: 76, bin: 111110 ?, dec: 63, hex: 3F, oct: 77, bin: 111111 @, dec: 64, hex: 40, oct: 100, bin: 1000000 A, dec: 65, hex: 41, oct: 101, bin: 1000001 B, dec: 66, hex: 42, oct: 102, bin: 1000010 C, dec: 67, hex: 43, oct: 103, bin: 1000011 D, dec: 68, hex: 44, oct: 104, bin: 1000100 E, dec: 69, hex: 45, oct: 105, bin: 1000101 ...
Arduino software
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